Felix Salmon: “At risk, then, is the shareholder democracy that America forged, slowly, over the past 50 years. Civilians, rather than plutocrats, controlled corporate America, and that relationship improved standards of living and usually kept the worst of corporate abuses in check…..”
Wha..at! In public listed corps, when was the last time shareholders that actually supervised the running of the business, eh!? THAT only happens in closely held companies…exactly the ones whose increase in numbers Salmon’s lamenting! In public listed companies, all stock'holders' are mere pocker players, with their bets, for the most part, outsourced to mutual fund managers at that. "Shareholder Demo" ' s just a nice sounding term. Salmoan's whole piece is heterogenous mumbo jumbo aimed at...dunno what.
Gov policy (of decreasing returns from fixed return instruments) has been squarely to “credit” for the returns people got from the stockmarket casino, NOT the delusionary “shareholder democracy” (whaz-zat!?)
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